File: 0.00.1a/plugins/workload/workload.php (View as HTML)

  1: <?php 
  2: /* -------------------------------------------------------------
  3: This file is part of FreeDESK
  5: FreeDESK is (C) Copyright 2012 David Cutting
  7: FreeDESK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  8: it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  9: the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 10: (at your option) any later version.
 12: FreeDESK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 13: but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 15: GNU General Public License for more details.
 17: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 18: along with FreeDESK.  If not, see
 20: For more information see
 21: -------------------------------------------------------------- */
 23: // A new class for the PIM extending FreeDESK_PIM,
 24: // named the same as the directory and filename
 25: class workload extends FreeDESK_PIM
 26: {
 27: // The startup method - register functionalityh
 28: function Start()
 29: {
 30:   // Register ourselves as a plugin
 31:   $this->DESK->PluginManager->Register(new Plugin(
 32:     "Workload", "0.01", "Reporting" ));
 33:   // Register a page which will be displayed
 34:   $this->DESK->PluginManager->RegisterPIMPage("workload_page",
 35:     $this->ID);
 36:   // Register an API call for details
 37:   $this->DESK->PluginManager->RegisterPIMAPI("workload_api",
 38:     $this->ID);
 39:   // Add a permission for this action
 40:   $this->DESK->PermissionManager->Register("workload", false);
 41:   // Register a JS script (workload.js) in our directory for inclusion
 42:   // Note the file can be called anything we like or even not in the
 43:   // directory (unlike this PHP file)
 44:   $jspath = $this->webpath . "workload.js";
 45:   $this->DESK->PluginManager->RegisterScript($jspath);
 46:   // Register a CSS file (workload.css)
 47:   $csspath = $this->webpath . "workload.css";
 48:   $this->DESK->PluginManager->RegisterCSS($csspath);
 49: }
 50: // The method to add menu items
 51: function BuildMenu()
 52: {
 53:   // Check if the permission is allowed or don't show the menu
 54:   if ($this->DESK->ContextManager->Permission("workload"))
 55:   {
 56:     // Check if the reporting menu already exists, add if not
 57:     $currentItems = $this->DESK->ContextManager->MenuItems();
 58:     if (!isset($currentItems['reporting']))
 59:     {
 60:       $repmenu = new MenuItem();
 61:       $repmenu->tag = "reporting";
 62:       $repmenu->display = "Reporting";
 63:       $this->DESK->ContextManager->AddMenuItem
 64:         ("reporting", $repmenu);
 65:     }
 67:     // Built the menu item for this plugin
 68:     $sReport = new MenuItem();
 69:     $sReport->tag="workload";
 70:     $sReport->display="Workload";
 71:     // Set the action for the click
 72:     // (show the page 'workload' registered above)
 73:     $sReport->onclick = "DESK.loadSubpage('workload_page');";
 74:     // Add the menu option to the reporting menu
 75:     $this->DESK->ContextManager->AddMenuItem("reporting",$sReport);
 76:   }
 77: }
 78: // Handle page requests (specifically the workload page)
 79: function Page($page)
 80: {
 81:   if ($page == "workload_page" // page is the workload page
 82:   	&& // and permission for this page
 83:   	$this->DESK->ContextManager->Permission("workload"))
 84:   {
 85:     // Page title
 86:     echo "<h3>Workload</h3>\n";
 87:     // Team and user list
 88:     $teamuser = $this->DESK->RequestManager->TeamUserList();
 89:     // Iterate through this list and display workload info
 90:     echo "<table>\n";
 91:     foreach($teamuser as $teamid => $teamdata)
 92:     {
 93:       // Counter for the team
 94:       $teamcount=0;
 95:       echo "<tr>\n";
 96:       echo "<td>\n";
 97:       echo "<b>".$teamdata['name']."</b>\n";
 98:       echo "</td>\n";
 99:       echo "<td><b>\n";
100:       // Get the requests assigned to just the team
101:       $requests = $this->DESK->RequestManager->FetchAssigned($teamid, "");
102:       $reqcount = sizeof($requests);
103:       echo $reqcount;
104:       // Increment team counter
105:       $teamcount += $reqcount;
106:       echo "</b></td>";
107:       // Detail link for the team
108:       $js="Workload.Detail(".$teamid.",'');";
109:       echo "<td>\n";
110:       echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"".$js."\">Detail</a>\n";
111:       echo "</td>";
112:       echo "</tr>";
113:       // Detail row for the team
114:       echo "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" id=\"detail_".$teamid."_\"></td></tr>\n";
115:       // Iterate through the users in the team
116:       foreach($teamdata['items'] as $user => $userdata)
117:       {
118:         echo "<tr>\n";
119:         echo "<td>\n";
120:         echo $userdata['realname'];
121:         echo "</td>\n";
122:         echo "<td>\n";
123:         // Requests for this user and team
124:         $requests = $this->DESK->RequestManager->FetchAssigned($teamid, $user);
125:         $reqcount = sizeof($requests);
126:         echo $reqcount;
127:         // Increment team counter
128:         $teamcount+=$reqcount;
129:         echo "</td>\n";
130:         // Detail link for the team and user
131:         $js="Workload.Detail(".$teamid.",'".$user."');";
132:         echo "<td>\n";
133:         echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"".$js."\">Detail</a>\n";
134:         echo "</td>";
135:         echo "</tr>\n";
136:         // Detail row for the user
137:         echo "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" id=\"detail_".$teamid."_".$user."\"></td></tr>\n";
138:       }
139:     // The team total
140:     echo "<tr><td><b>Total</b></td><td><b>".$teamcount."</b></td></tr>\n";
141:     // A spacer
142:     echo "<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><hr class=\"workload\"></td></tr>\n";
143:     }
144:     echo "</table>\n";
145:   }
146: }
147: // API Handler
148: function API($mode)
149: {
150:   if ($mode == "workload_api" // Correct API Mode
151:     && // and permission for workload
152:     $this->DESK->ContextManager->Permission("workload"))
153:   {
154:     // Get the team and user requested
155:     $teamid = isset($_REQUEST['teamid']) ? $_REQUEST['teamid'] : 0;
156:     $username = isset($_REQUEST['username']) ? $_REQUEST['username'] : "";
157:     // Get the assigned requests
158:     $reqs = $this->DESK->RequestManager->FetchAssigned($teamid,$username);
159:     // Get the list of priorities
160:     $pris = $this->DESK->RequestManager->GetPriorityList();
161:     // Our output array with unknown default
162:     $out = array(0=>array("name"=>"Unknown","total"=>0));
163:     // Iterate through the requests
164:     foreach($reqs as $req)
165:     {
166:       // Get the priority
167:       $pri = $req->Get("priority");
168:       // Check if exists and add to totals
169:       if (isset($pris[$pri])) // valid
170:       {
171:         if (isset($out[$pri]))
172:           $out[$pri]['total']++;
173:         else
174:           $out[$pri]=array(
175:             "name"=>$pris[$pri]['priorityname'],
176:             "total"=>1 );
177:       }
178:       else
179:         $out[0]["total"]++;
180:     }
181:     // Build the HTML
182:     $html = "";
183:     // For each detail line
184:     foreach($out as $line)
185:     {
186:       $html.=$line["name"].": ".$line["total"]."<br />";
187:     }
188:     // Create the XML output
189:     // XML creation object
190:     $xml = new xmlCreate();
191:     // Add a char element with CDATA encoding
192:     $xml->charElement(
193:       "data",
194:       $html,
195:       0,
196:       false,
197:       true );
198:     // Output the XML with the header
199:     $xml->echoXML(true);
200:     // Exit (ensure no other output)
201:     exit();
202:   }
203: }
206: }
207: ?>